Friday, December 9, 2011

I Can't

     I am compassionate about most things and towards most people. I make an effort to not hold others to the same expectations that  I hold myself. I have pushed through so many difficult times, that " I can't" is simply not in my vocabulary. One things that is so difficult for me to hear others say is, " I can't change this situation" or, "I can't do that".
      I didn't think I could live through losing a baby the way I did, but I choose to, and I became better for it. I didn't think I could get healthy and get in shape when all I really wanted to do was lay on the couch and feel sorry for myself. I did, and I have lost 50 pounds to show for it. I certainly did not think that I could run a half marathon, but a few weeks ago  I ran one and I finished. I crossed the finish line with a pulled tendon in my right foot, bloody blisters, and two lost toe nails ( I feel like a freak of nature with no toe nails, Akkkkk!!!).  Around mile ten I was crying through the pain. But I refused to stop.
     The point? None of those accomplishments were without some pain along the way.
     I am thankful for how far I have come, and sympathetic to those who find themselves stuck. I sometimes find myself stuck working through certain emotions that I still struggle with. I have to remind myself that not everything comes immediately and some things are simply on God's timing, not mine. 
    One thing I know is that nothing is permanent and anything can change if you truly want it to. None of us are predestined to a life of unhappiness, we choose it for ourselves.
     If we are willing to take a leap of faith, trust God to see us through, heal from our losses, get off the couch, and maybe incur a few injuries along the way we can come to a place where we are no longer living  a life of unhappiness and mindless routines, but a life of passion and a live where WE CAN.

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