Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

This week is a time of reflection for me, as it is for so many people. Aside from the 10th anniversary of 9/11, it is my sixth month anniversary of losing the baby, my due date if my pregnancy had continued, and my husband's fortieth birthday (again, for those who do not know I am 9.9years younger:)).  It is an emotional overload!

I have one word for how I feel this week, blah.

When someone experiences a tragedy they have a unique opportunity to see their lives and the world around them differently. They are able to have a different appreciation of life and live theirs with more passion and meaning than the average person. It is a bitter sweet gift and it is our choice whether we decide to take it and grow, or remain parallel. Though losing this baby has resulted in so many positive changes in the person I am, I am in fact, only human and sometimes I need a break from it all.

 I would love to say that I am experiencing a lot of positive self reflection on the anniversary of so many important events, but I think my mind and heart have gone into sleep mode just to survive the week. As my clarity returns, as I know it will, I hope to take a closer look at the person I have become in these last six months. I hope to gain a better perspective of how to move forward and live my life to reflect the compassion and grace that God has shown me during these difficult times.

For now, for this difficult week, I am simply being still.

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