I will be using this page to link to different resources that I have found helpful. Some will be for Miscarriage/ Abortion/ Loss, an others will be resources for marriage, children, moms, dads,.......a little bit of everything. I love passing things along that I have found helpful.
This site is a great resource for anyone who has experienced a loss of a child,be it through miscarriage, abortion or still birth. There is a variety of information such as miscarriage facts, a guide to the healing process, personal stories, memory pages, etc. A word of caution if you are looking at this after experiencing your own loss, please use caution when reading the personal stories. These are very touching but also very heart wrenching stories that may still up you own emtotions. Please visit the rest of the site, however, as the personal stories are a very small section of this large variety of helpful information.
http://www.imom.com/ and http://www.allprodad.com/
iMOM and All Pro Dad are part of the Family First Ministry. These two sites have endless resources. There are also monthly breakfasts at local chapters for moms and dads to attend with their kids.